Books by Almudena Grandes (2)


Kleine helden by Almudena Grandes NL

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Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
Kleine helden is een hartverwarmende roman over een volksbuurt in Madrid. Rijk en arm, jong en oud, singles en gezinnen, Spanjaarden en immigranten. Zij hebben geen schuld aan de crisis, maar moeten haar wel dragen, en er ondanks alles proberen bovenuit te stijgen. Elk op hun eigen manier beleven buurtgenoten bitterzoete momenten van onverwachte solidariteit, van verontwaardiging en woede maar ook van tederheid en doorzetten. Samen blazen ze hun buurt nieuw leven in. Een roman over durven opstaan, en over kleine daden die het verschil maken.


The Wind from the East by Almudena Grandes EN

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Country: Europe / Spain flag Spain
In a small seaside suburb two strangers arrive - Juan Olmedo, accompanied by his mentally disabled brother and his young niece, and Sara Gomez, an enigmatic woman in her fifties. Both have their reasons for fleeing the city. Sara's father had returned from the Civil war a broken man, unable to support his family. In desperation, her mother was forced to give up the young baby to her childless employer. Growing up amidst a background that would never truly be her own, Sara was forever caught between her love of the good life and her feelings of duty towards a family and a poverty that repelled ... continue